Featured Listings

Lawrence Behmer

Helped me rent a home in Near North, Chicago, IL 60611.

"Dom is 100% amazing! My wife recently got a job in Chicago and they needed her to start right away. This meant that we had to find an apartment that we could move into within three weeks! We flew out to Chicago to find an apartment, but we were completely unprepared. We contacted Dom at the last  second and he managed to put together several rental showings for us within 24-hours and helped us find the place that was perfect for us. Dom knows the city inside and out and he's super friendly. I don't write reviews very often, but I wanted to go out of my way to give him the highest recommendation. If we stay in Chicago and end up buying a house, Dom is our guy!"

Gina Redding

Helped me rent a home in Near North, Chicago, IL 60610.

"Dom was and continues to be great to work with.  My relationship with Dom started during an apartment hunt, he was representing the landlord of the unit I was interested in.  Although that specific deal fell through, Dom, with little incentive on his side, recommended other apartments he was aware  of and thought that my significant other and I would be interested in.  He was exactly right and we are now in one of his recommended units. Highly recommend Dom based on his dedication to client/customer experience."


Bought a Single Family home in 2017 in Volo, IL.

"Dom dedicated more time than I thought I wanted to dedicate looking for our forever home.  Once we found it, his negotiation skills had our an offer accepted with in a matter of a couple of days.  He put us in touch with all of the right people to get the purchase done quickly and smoothly.  Dom is  what made this process a whole lot easier.  Thank you Dom for helping our family find the place to call home!"

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